prayerscapes - creative journeys in worship and prayer

creative prayer journeys

With One Voice

I have been so blessed over the last 25 years to be part of a church that regularly stands and prays for individuals.  Over this time an extraordinary amount of special people have come alongside me and prayed for me. There have been so many – from those who sheltered me in my early days of faith as a student, through work and career choices, having my first child, praying with me in illness and encouraging me to stand up and try again after disappointment or failure. And what is even more extraordinary – it feels like one long prayer – like a whole thing – each person speaking out God’s heart for me, proclaiming God’s love over me and instilling God’s hope within me. Wow! So many different prayers, yet it has been one song, one story, one voice! God has used so many different people to reveal His heart for me.

I will never ever forget the first time someone actually said “can I pray for you?” Standing with me, interceding for me. Such things have changed the course of my life. And the most remarkable truth is this – we are all invited to this lavish banquet, this beautiful taste of heaven.

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About Julie Palmer

Julie is a singer/songwriter and a published writer of prayer poems. Her heart is at all times to be open and loving, especially to the least, the last and the lost. In her home church she has a ministry in prayer and pastoring, and is also a mum to two lively young boys!

6 thoughts on “With One Voice

  1. Martine

    Wow, I wish I had had that luck, I pray on my own, but I sought out in our community some nuns, they seem to be so willingly to pray with you more than my church and priests. Priests seem so busy they don’t see connected at all, I’m seeking people that will pray with me unfortunately my husband doesnt’ have the same conviction as I do in terms of prayers. And praying with me, he is off on his own and it is hurtful at times, my children seem so far from God at times, so I’m all alone.
    You have a beautiful story..

    1. Julie Palmer Post author

      I am moved by your reply, and it is true, sometimes we long to have someone put their arms around us and pray out the heart of God for us, yet there is no one there for us in this way. God must have been acutely aware of this, that we need him with us in person, and that is why he sent and still sends the Holy Spirit to us. We are told to focus on what is true, noble, light, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy, to think about these things ( Philippians 4: 8). Keep soaking in the ministry on this site, and searching out those things that connect you to the heart of Father God. As you ask, God will meet your cry and the Holy Spirit will minister to you. I pray for you that you would feel Gods love, and also that he might lead you to find more connections with the family of Christ. ‘May god bless you and keep you, and turn his face to shine upon you, may he hold you in the palm of his hand’ x

  2. llinda

    Pray for my two friends Israel and melinda that they would have a relationship with jesus and that God would give me a vibrant communicative relationship with them, full of joy and sharing of lives and pictures and comments .

  3. Amalia

    I pray that the Lord will renew our lives my family and friends are suffering from illness and drug abuse I need to be healed from my illnesses Parkinson’s disease and eye’s

  4. Lydia Ochieng -Obbo

    I would like to surrender my sistrr Ruth Kyeyune Herlan whose husband passed away yesterday after battling cancer relapse for about two months in hospital in San Diego.

    Ruth and Hal have been strong believers in God and his prpmise. I commit Hal s soul into God s hands and Ruth for comfort and strength to overcome this test.

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