prayerscapes - creative journeys in worship and prayer

creative prayer journeys

Take My Hand

Man Holding a small child

Often as I write I find myself slipping into a place where I believe God is speaking through me. I don’t think about this or plan it, it just seems to happen, and this song is one such occurrence.  One day my thoughts had become preoccupied with a friends daughter who was facing a very serious medical condition. As I prayed and played the piano this song came to me. It speaks of God’s heart for those who journey through the darkest valleys as they battle with life threatening illnesses. If you too are facing something similar, I hope that God will meet with you through this song. I pray that as you or a loved one of yours dwells in this “space”,  you will encounter the Living One.

In the accompanying film we have woven together a tapestry of images that reflects the Garden of Eden story. The scenes speak of eternal freedom, which we sometimes taste in this life in fleeting moments. We see a young woman running free, whole, well and full of hope, a father carrying his young son (reminiscent of the Father heart of God to us His children) and a young mother swinging her child with joy.

If you are in need of healing in some way, may the love of the Everlasting Father protect you, the hope of eternal life lift you, and power of the Almighty move within you as you watch this film.

You can read the lyrics to this film (and download a HD version) by clicking here.


One thought on “Take My Hand

  1. William Collins

    I am grateful for the Lord for this video clips that inspire, motivates me to pray. I believe there is healing through prayer. By praying daily our faith is strengthen and we can face every temptation, every mountain. Thank you. Amen

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